Maj. Gen. W. R. Johnson
New Member Info
Here is some basic information about the detachment, how it is set up and we conduct our meetings:
-We meet formally once a month, normally the third Saturday morning of each month. Meet and greet starts at 09:00am and the meeting starts at 9:30am. Meetings run between an hour and an hour and a half. Check the calendar page for actual meeting dates. Currently we meet at Semper Fi Bar and Grill on Main St, Woodstock.
-We also meet once a month for an informal dinner social on the second Friday evening of each month. Currently, we meet at Guston's Restaurant, Hwy 92, Woodstock. 6:30pm-8pm. Socials are open to members, perspective members and guests.
-The leadership team is made up of 4 elected offices:
Commandant- Acts as the chairperson of the meeting and detachment
SR. Vice Commandant- Acts as second for the commandant
JR. Vice Commandant- Primarily responsible for recruitment and member issues
Judge Advocate- Responsible for BY Laws and Rules
-Any regular member in good standing can run for any office. Associate members cannot run for elected office but can be appointed to a non-elected office. There is no requirement for having achieved a certain rank and/or position while on active duty.
-The Commandant appoints other officer positions, including:
Sergeant at Arms
-The Commandant, with advice from his/her team also appoints various committees to deal with the activities of the detachment.
-Meeting uniform for detachment members (other than elected officers) is the detachment cover w/MCL EGA, Red detachment Polo shirt and appropriate trousers and shoes (i.e. no ripped, torn or other clothing in disrepair). Once you have been sworn in, please see the Quartermaster to facilitate your cover and red polo shirt.
-Upon submittal of your application, dues (currently $40 per year), and copy of your DD214 (not applicable for associate members), the Commandant will preside over your swearing into the league. If you need a copy of your DD214, please see the "Join" page of this website for a link. Dues can be paid right from our website or at detachment meetings.
-It is expected that you will participate in one or many activities that the league sponsors. Please explore this website and talk to other members to find an activity, committee or event that you would like to help with. Suggestions for new activities/events are always welcomed.
-Our detachment meetings are governed by our by-laws and in accordance with the state and national by-laws. You can find a link to our by-laws on our "About" page. Meetings are conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order. Click here for a quick overview of these rules.
Thank you for your interest in our detachment and we look forward to your contributions!